Welcome to the Church of the Ascension
Episcopal Church | Rockville Centre, NY
Who we are
We are a community of individuals dedicated to the worship of God in Jesus Christ. We are people of many different backgrounds and walks of life, but what unites us is our love of Jesus and our desire to proclaim his resurrection to the world. We believe that Jesus is calling everyone to draw ever closer to God.
We are an Episcopal Church (part of the Anglican Communion), but we welcome worshippers and visitors from any tradition or those that have no religious background at all. If you are exploring the Christian faith, we are here as a church to invite you to go deeper: find out how this ancient faith can give your life deeper meaning and renewed hope.
If you are a lifelong follower of Christ, we invite you to worship with us and work with us as we labor in God’s vineyard together.
Whether you are visiting us for just a few moments of prayer, or making our parish your spiritual home, we hope you know and feel that God is truly present here.
Sunday Worship
Live Stream
Christian Formation
Weekly Newsletter
Upcoming events
Ascension Book Club
Beginning Sunday, March 9th
Join us Sundays during Lent as we explore the Apostle’s Creed and discuss “I Believe” by Alister McGrath. Copies of the book are available in the shop and in the parish hall for $12.
Soup & Scripture
Beginning Wednesday, March 12th
6:00pm - 8:00pm
Our soup and scripture series will return this year with an exploration of the last book of Moses: The Book of Deuteronomy.
March 12, 19, and 26 April 2 and 9
Ascension Today & Tomorrow
An Appeal for Our Church
Key Projects, important dates, pledge information, and progress towards our goal.