Week of September 1, 2024
The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 1, 2024
Last Sunday of Summer Schedule!
Sunday Schedule:
9:30am Mass with Hymns (Live-streamed)
Announcements This Week:
Bulletin Correction
Please note the following correction to the participants in this week’s service: The correct servers for this service are:
Eucharistic Minister: 9:30 am Marissa Hart Ushers: Doreen Gordon & Donovan Fray Altar Guild: Linda Rossetti & Pam Heywood Counter: Jennifer Gordon-Fray
Please mark your calendars for these Upcoming Events:
Saturday, September 7th: 3:30 pm -Playing on the Porch -Ascension Choir to sing on the front steps during RVC’s “Playing on the Porch” event.
Sunday, September 8th: Regular Schedule resumes. Sunday School Resumes.
Sunday, September 8th: 3pm. Welcome Back Potluck in the Parish Hall
Sunday, September 22nd: 9am, Children’s Prayer Breakfast
Sunday, September 29th: 4pm Michaelmas Evensong and Reception
The Blessing of the Marriage of Ethan Beirne and Sofía Masseroli will take place on Friday, September 13th at 1:30pm. Any Ascension parishioners that would like to attend the ceremony are most welcomed to do so.
Altar Guild Request
The Altar Guild is looking for empty containers of either Cool Whip or Smart Balance sized to set the Altar Flowers. If anyone can contribute cleaned containers, please put them in the Altar Guild room.