Week of September 15, 2024
The Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
September 15, 2024
Sunday Schedule:
8:00am Low Mass
10:15am Sunday School
10:30am High Mass (Live-streamed)
Announcements This Week:
Beirne-Masseroli Wedding
The wedding of Ethan Beirne and Sofia Masseroli will take place on Friday, September 13th, at 1:30pm. Please see below for the livestream link.
Tuesday Club
The Tuesday Club will resume meeting on Tuesday, September 17th, at 11:00am.
Wedding Invitations
Two members of the Ascension family are getting married this month and you are most welcomed to attend their ceremonies.
Ethan Beirne & Sofia Masseroli Friday, September 13th, 1:30pm.
Sarah Hughes & Jason Crawford Saturday, September 28th, 2pm.
Mandatory Acolyte Meeting:
There will be a mandatory acolyte meeting following the 10:30am service on Sunday, September 15th. If you have any questions, please speak with Lisa Chiara.
Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed
Hello everyone! Thank you to all who have helped make coffee hour a success so far this year! Please consider hosting or contributing a baked good for all to share. A sign up sheet is located in the parish hall kitchen. Feel free to contact me with any questions: 516-359 8085 or emilyrose.coyne@gmail.com. Thank you!
Children’s Prayer Breakfast
Our Children’s Prayer Breakfast will return on Sunday, September 22 nd at 9 am.
Michaelmas Evensong & Reception – Sunday Sept. 29
Please join us in blessing our police officers and first responders on the feast of St. Michael, Sunday September 29 th at 4:00 pm. It will be a service of evening prayer and benediction followed by an Oktoberfest themed reception in our parish hall. RSVP’s are greatly appreciated. Please email our parish office at parishadmin@ascensionrvc.org.