Week of November 24, 2024
The Last Sunday after Pentecost
Christ the King
November 24, 2024
Sunday Schedule:
8:00am Low Mass
9:00am Book Discussion
10:15am Sunday School
10:30am High Mass (Live-streamed)
Announcements This Week:
Stewardship Season
Pledge cards will be blessed during the mass this Sunday. If you have not already sent your pledge card in you may fill one out during mass, or you may make your pledge online. Thank you to everyone who has made a commitment to Ascension for the coming year!
Carols & Cookies
Please join us for the Feast of Saint Nicholas on Friday, December 6 th at 6:30 pm. Christmas carols will take place in the church followed by cookies in the parish hall and a special visit from Saint Nick. Anyone willing to bake cookies should speak with Edna Beirne.
Tuesday Club
The Tuesday Club will be meeting this Tuesday at 11:00am. The Tuesday Club will be taking a break during the month of December and will return in January.
Toy Drive for St. John’s ICARE Foundation
Please donate new, unwrapped gender-neutral toys for children ages 6 months to 12 years by Sunday December 8th.
Donations for Pink Roses due on Sunday December 8th
December 15 th is Gaudete (Rose) Sunday. We are looking for six parishioners who would be interested in giving a memorial donation in the amount of $55 to defray the cost of the pink roses that will adorn the High Altar, Advent wreath and small vase in the chapel that day. If you are interested in donating, you may use the Christmas flower form but please write ‘Roses” on the top of the form. Please include how you would like the memorial to read in the bulletin. Please leave your donation in the parish administrator’s mailbox or give it to Margaret Bianchi or Ken Mensing by December 8th.
Ascension Book Club
The next selection for the Ascension Book Club, our adult Christian education forum, will be "Reading Genesis" by Marilynne Robinson. Acclaimed author and essayist Marilynne Robinson walks readers through one of the most well-known texts in the Western world and manages to offer fresh perspectives on ancient stories. Remarkably, she is able to offer a faithful reading that recognizes and affirms the divine inspiration behind the text, while at the same time recognizing the many human hands that have touched these stories as they have been passed from one generation to another. Her reading of Genesis is an excellent example of how 21st century Christians can faithfully approach the Bible in all its complexities and still walk away from it with a deeper knowledge of God's grace. Our first meeting will be Sunday, October 6th at 9am.
Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed
Hello everyone! Thank you to all who have helped make coffee hour a success so far this year! Please consider hosting or contributing a baked good for all to share. A sign up sheet is located in the parish hall kitchen. Feel free to contact me with any questions: 516-359 8085 or emilyrose.coyne@gmail.com. Thank you!