Week of February 2, 2025
The Presentation of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple (Candlemas)
February 2, 2025
Annual Meeting Weekend. Please note schedule change!
Sunday Schedule:
9:30am High Mass (Live-streamed)
10:30am Annual Meeting
Annual Meeting Info
Annual Meeting Notice
The next annual meeting of the Church of the Ascension in Rockville Centre will take place on Sunday, February 2nd. There will be one mass that Sunday at 9:30am, followed by the Annual Meeting at approximately 10:30 am. We will be electing one warden and four vestry persons at this election.
Shrove Tuesday March 4th
Please join us for a Pancake Supper and family fellowship on Shrove Tuesday, March 4th at 6 o'clock pm. Cost for the event is $10/person or $35 for a family of 4 or more. A sign-up sheet for attendees and volunteers will be in the parish hall. For more information, please contact Carolyn Brancato (516-455-2355 or mrsjello3@aol.com) Please sign up and join the Mardi Gras fun!!
Lenten Book Discussion
Beginning March 9th, the Ascension Book Club will begin reading and discussing "I Believe" by Alister McGrath. This book is an exploration of the Apostle's Creed and the fundamental beliefs of the Christian faith. Copies of the book will be available for purchase in the parish hall. Discussions will take place Sunday mornings at 9am during Lent.
Join the Ascension Public Relations Committee
As Ascension enters its 140th year, there's no better time to tell our story. We're forming this committee to articulate who we are to our internal family but to also assemble a standard media packet, print and digital, to be distributed to a wider audience. The goal is to tell our story in a consistent manner and to promote the goings on at Church of the Ascension. If you're interested, please contact Jacqueline Gleason at jacquelinegleason@gmail.com.
Tuesday Club
The Tuesday Club will be meeting this Tuesday at 11:00am.
Offering Envelopes
Offering envelopes are now available in the back pew of the church. If you requested envelopes and do not see your name, please let Fr. Kevin know.