Week of Dec. 10, 2023
The Second Sunday of Advent
December 10, 2023
Sunday Schedule:
8:00am Low Mass
10:15am Sunday School
10:30am High Mass
Stewardship Season
Announcements This Week:
Open Baptism Sundays December 10 th & 17 th - 11:30 am to 12:30 pm
‘Look, here is water! What is to prevent me from being baptized?’ – Acts 8:36
Considering baptism? Join us after our 10:30 am service on any of the Sundays above and you can be baptized immediately. Adults and children equally welcomed! Visit our website for more information.
Family Breakfast
We will be offering a family breakfast on Dec 17 th at 9am. The whole family is invited to come and have breakfast before the Christmas pageant.
Tuesday Club
The next meeting of the Tuesday Club will take place this Tuesday, December 12 th at 11:00 am. We will continue studying “The Path” which is an abbreviated version of the Bible. Copies are available for $20.
Toy Drive for St. John’s ICARE Foundation – Due Today!
Please donate new, unwrapped gender-neutral toys for children ages 6 months to 12 years by December 10 th .
Children’s Christmas Pageant
This year we will have our annual Christmas Pageant during the 10:30am service on Sunday, December 17 th . We will have rehearsals today December 10 th following the service. If you wish to participate, please speak with Lisa Chiara.
Donations for Pink Roses – Due Today!
December 17 th is Gaudete (Rose) Sunday. We are looking for six parishioners who would be interested in giving a memorial donation in the amount of $55 to defray the cost of the pink roses that will adorn the High Altar, Advent wreath and small vase in the chapel that day. If you are interested in donating, please give your donation to Margaret in the church office. You may use the Christmas flower form but please write ‘Roses” on the top of the form. Please include how you would like the memorial to read in the bulletin.
Thank You for Your Commitment
Thank you to everyone that completed your estimate of giving cards for the coming year! If you have not had the chance to return your estimate of giving card, extras are located in the back of the church. Please fill one out and deposit it in the offering plate or leave it in Father Kevin’s mailbox as soon as possible.
Bell Anniversary
The Bell which rings from our church steeple is now 150 years old. It was cast in the year 1873 in Troy, New York, by the Meneely Bell Company. The bell is 39 inches in diameter, weighs 1,215 pounds and was toned to the note of A-flat.
Christmas Memorial Flowers
Flower memorial gifts for Christmas are being accepted now through Sunday, December 17th . Please make sure your donation is clearly marked “Christmas Flowers” and please be sure to clearly list the names of the individuals you would like remembered. Envelopes and/or forms are available in the back of the church and in the Parish Hall. They may also be used for the Roses by indicating ‘Roses’ on both the envelope and the form. Please return them to the Parish Office or leave them in the Parish Office mailbox outside of Fr. Kevin’s office or give them to Margaret Bianchi.
Christmas Eve Reception
We will be having a light reception after the 10:30pm service on Christmas Eve. If you would like to bring an item there is a signup sheet in the parish hall. We do ask that if you can please drop off the item by 1pm on Christmas Eve so we can set everything up.