Week of March 10, 2024
The Fourth Sunday in Lent
March 10, 2024
Sunday Schedule:
8:00am Low Mass
9:00am Book Discussion Group
10:15am Sunday School
10:30am High Mass (Live-streamed)
Holy Week Services
Please see our list of services and events for Holy Week.
Palm Sunday, March 24
Low Mass 8am
Family Breakfast 9am
Palm Procession and High Mass 10:30am
Maundy Thursday, March 28
Dinner 6pm
High Mass 7pm
Good Friday, March 29
Good Friday Liturgy Noon
Easter Sunday, March 31
Low Mass 8am
High Mass 10:30am
Reception with Easter Bunny and Easter egg hunt to follow.
Announcements This Week:
Daylight Saving Time begins March 10 th
Don’t forget to move your clocks ahead 1 hour!
Girl Scouts Sunday
Sunday we will be blessing and giving thanks for the Girl Scouts in our midst. Please join us in congratulating them and encouraging them in the work they do.
Book Discussion
The book discussion will continue this weekend on Sunday at 9:00 am. At that time we will be discussing The Book of Common Prayer: A Biography by Alan Jacobs. This book is an excellent overview of the book that is not only a foundational part of our worship life as Anglicans, but also one of the most important books in the English language.
Tuesday Club
The next meeting of the Tuesday Club will take place this Tuesday, March 5 at 11:3- am. We will continue studying “The Path” which is an abbreviated version of the Bible. Copies are available for $20.
Soup & Scripture
Our Soup & Scripture Bible Study will continue this year on Wednesday, March 13 at 6:00 pm. We will have a light soup supper (volunteers to bring a soup are welcomed) followed by our scripture study. This year we will be studying the gospel of Matthew. Please join us this year! There will be a zoom link available for those who wish to join the discussion via zoom. Meeting will continue every Wednesday, March 13 & 20.
Lenten Pajama & Book Collection
Our Lenten project this year is working with the Pajama Program to provide pajamas and books for children at the Head Start Program in Freeport. Please take one or more slips off the board on the stage in the Parish Hall. Sign your name next to the corresponding sheet on the podium. Please look on the stage for more information. If you have any questions please speak to Judi or email her at Idigmick@aol.com. Thank you in advance for your generosity .
Lost Prayer Book
If anyone has found a personal prayer book with a leather cover please contact the parish office. This book has a very sentimental value to the owner.
Girl Scout Cookies
It is Girl Scout cookie season again!! I know some of you look forward to buying Girl Scout cookies. I am selling them for anyone who would like them. You may speak to me directly at church or you could scan the QR code with your phone camera which will take you straight to my website. You could also order from my website: https://digitalcookie.girlscouts.org/scout/zoequinn567608. If you can’t eat them, maybe you could treat them! Donations go to the troops and hometown heroes. Thank you in advance for supporting me and my troop! - Zoe
Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed
Hello everyone! Thank you to all who have helped make coffee hour a success so far. Please consider hosting or contributing a homemade baked good for all to share. A signup sheet is located in the parish hall kitchen. Feel free to contact me with any questions at emilyrose.coyne@gmail.com.: or at 516-359-8085 Thank you!
Easter Flowers & Palms
Easter Day is March 31st. We invite you to place your dedications for Easter flowers on the forms found at the rear of the church and in the Parish Hall. Please return completed forms to the Parish Office or to Margaret Bianchi. We also are in need of palm dedications for Palm Sunday: You may use the Easter form for that purpose by writing Palm Sunday on the top of the form. Palm dedications are due by Sunday, March 17th and Easter dedications are due by Palm Sunday, March 24th .
Food Donation Request
Please consider donating nonperishable, shelf stable food items for people in need. Items such as canned tuna, chicken, beans, soup, vegetables and also cereal, dried beans & macaroni products are all needed. All donations will be delivered to the Mary Brennan INN in Hempstead.
50/50 Raffle Fundraiser
We are very excited to bring back our 50/50 Raffle Fundraiser for the parish.
There are 200 tickets available for sale and you (or your team) can purchase your ticket at $100 each for your chance to win big!!!
On Saturday, May 18th at 5pm, in the parish hall we will have a cocktail party, where we’ll draw the winner. Admission to the cocktail party is included with your raffle ticket. There are also cocktail party only tickets available on the website for those who chose not to purchase a raffle ticket but would like to attend the event. Please come dressed in your best cocktail attire!!!
If we meet our goal of selling all 200 tickets, we will have a prize of $10,000 for the winner and $10,000 raised for the church, so we ask that you share this with your family, friends, co-workers to help sell some tickets! The winner does not have to attend the event to win, they will receive a text message and we will contact them directly.
You can visit the parish website (https://ascensionrvc.org/) to start purchasing tickets.
50/50 raffle tickets will also be sold in between and after services on each Sunday in the Parish Hall until the event. Please see Jacqueline Gleason, Lisa Chiara and/or Dianna Berne during this time. They are also available to answer any questions such as "What is my raffle ticket number?" or provide any assistance you may need related to the event.
If you have any questions, contact Lisa Chiara/Dianna Beirne for additional details.
Community Supported Agriculture
CSA is a way for you to have a direct access to your own farmer and certified organic, local, fresh produce. Our CSA is a pre-paid farm share that you will receive in a weekly basis from June to October. It's affordable and convenient and you know where your food
is coming from.
20 weeks of fresh & great tasting vegetables straight from our farm
High Quality Certified Organic Produce
A wide variety of vegetables each week
Weekly recipe ideas
Access to our private CSA Facebook Group
CSA Member discount for additional ala carte purchases
Access to exclusive deals and farm events
Please contact Pam Heywood for more information
at 516- 808-8202
To contact Natural Earth Organic Farms
about their CSA Program and their
farm in Calverton, please visit their website www.naturalearthorganicfarms.com.