Open Baptism
Look, here is water! What is to prevent me from being baptized?
-Acts 8:36
The Christian life begins with baptism. Baptism, or the sprinkling with or immersion in water in the “Name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit” is the primary Christian sacrament, or means of grace. Through baptism we are united to Christ and made a part of his body, the Church. At Ascension, we want to make this sacrament of baptism readily available to all who wish to receive it. We want everyone to know and receive God’s grace.
What is baptism?
Baptism is the Christian ritual of initiation. Candidates are either sprinkled with or immersed in water “in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost).” Sometimes when this ritual is performed on infants it is referred to as a “Christening.” In our tradition, a baptism can only ever be performed once as we believe it creates an eternal bond between the individual and Jesus Christ. When you are baptized you become a part of Christ’s body, which is his church, throughout the world and throughout time. We believe that real grace is imparted to the individual through baptism and that through this ritual we are born again into a new life in Jesus Christ.
What if I was baptized in another Christian Church?
If you were previously baptized with water “in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost),” then you are duly baptized and there is no need to be baptized again (indeed, we believe that you cannot be baptized again). If you are a baptized Christian, you are a baptized Christian. It doesn’t matter where the service took place or what age you were.
Do you baptize infants?
In the Episcopal Church we baptize both infants and adults. When infants are baptized, adult sponsors (generally the parents and godparents) make the responses and commitments on behalf of the child. Adults make the responses and commitments for themselves.
What do you mean by “open baptism”?
Some churches require extended periods of formation and preparation before a baptism will be performed, and some churches will only perform baptisms on Sundays or at certain times of the year. At the Church of the Ascension we want to make baptism as accessible as possible and invite as many into the Christian life as we can. We are here to share God’s grace with the world. The baptism ritual involves a rejection of Satan and the powers of evil, an acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior, and an affirmation of the faith of the Church as it is expressed in the Apostle’s Creed. We believe that the ability to make these responses in good faith is enough in order to be baptized. The Christian life should be an ongoing journey of growth and formation, and we sincerely hope and expect that all baptized Christians will continue to study and explore what it means to be baptized into Christ’s body, but we are happy to help you begin that journey as soon as possible.
If you wish to be baptized, simply speak with a member of the clergy and we will arrange for you to be baptized (or to have your child baptized) as soon as possible. Baptisms generally occur on Sundays, but they can be performed privately when necessary or desired. A few times a year we may advertise “Open Baptism Sundays.” These are days when anyone may show up to be baptized before or after the main service. You are welcomed to join us on one of these days, or if that is not convenient, arrange for another time that is.
What does the baptism service entail? Check out the bulletin below to see exactly what will take place and what will be asked of you during the service.