Parish Ministries
The Church of the Ascension is not a one or two person show! We have many dedicated volunteers whose service is critical to the work and ministry of this parish. If you are ready to show up and roll up your sleeves, we are happy to put you to work. Here are a few of the vital ministry areas that are always looking for new volunteers. Coordinators names are listed for you to contact should you be interested in volunteering:
Our acolytes are trained to assist at the altar during our Sunday and special services. Please speak with Lisa Chiara.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild sets up for worship services and cares for the various vessels, vestments and equipment that is used during worship in the sanctuary. Please speak with Barbara Boylan.
The contribution of the choir to the worship life of Ascension almost goes without saying! We are so blessed to have so many talented people, but in order to maintain this high standard of worship music we need new voices. You do not have to be a professional musician or even be able to read music. We have people of every skill level in our choir. If you are interested, arrange for a brief “audition” with Ken Dyer.
Christian Education
Our Sunday School is facilitated by Lisa Chiara, but we always need more teachers to assist with the individual classes, and it doesn’t have to be an every Sunday commitment. Each week the children start off with an interactive service in our Children’s Chapel, which includes a procession to the chapel, weekly readings and discussion, the Lord’s Prayer, confession, collection and prayers of the people. At the conclusion of the chapel service, the children move to their classrooms for hands-on learning that is specifically designed for their age group that is based on the scripture lesson and teachers are given clear instructions on how to lead the kids in that activity. Please speak with Lisa Chiara for more information.
Coffee Hour
Sunday morning fellowship has always been an important part of community life in our church, but someone needs to bake (or buy) the cake. Volunteers to setup coffee hour are always needed. Please speak with Emily Coyne to sign up.
Friendship Fair
The Friendship Fair may happen every other year, but it seems like the work to prepare for it is never ending. There are plenty of ways to serve and help out during the fair in the various departments, but we always need help before and after as well. Please speak with Judi Broadhurst for more information.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Eucharistic Ministers read the lessons during our services, occasionally lead offices of Morning or Evening Prayer, and when there is only one priest serving, they assist at the altar and offer the communion wine during communion. LEMs are well trained by us and we even have a manual to remind you what to do. Please speak with Mark Weisenreder our LEM coordinator.
Outreach Programs
Our outreach programs change from season to season, but we are often in need of people to deliver food to the food bank or to assist with whatever our current outreach effort is. Please speak with Judi Broadhurst if you would like to become more involved with outreach.
An usher’s job may seem simple, but it is so vital. Ushers are often the first person that people meet when they come to church. Ushers distribute the bulletins, collect the offering, and guide the congregation when it is time to come up for communion. If you are interested in ushering, please speak with Doreen Gordon.