Week of June 30, 2024


The Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

June 30, 2024

Sunday Schedule:

9:30am Mass with Hymns (Live-streamed)


Announcements This Week:

Special announcement about communion:

As always, all baptized Christians are welcomed to receive communion in this church; however, lately what happens at the altar rail has become increasingly confusing for everyone involved, so it may be helpful to clarify how to receive so that we can avoid some traffic jams and confusing situations. Please as you come forward to the rail, fill in empty spaces from right to left, but please, please, please WAIT until the chalice passes by before you jump into an empty space! Please DO NOT “fill in” a space unless the chalice bearer as already passed by. Some people received only the bread, and some receive the bread and the wine. Either is fine, but sometimes people are filling in empty spaces next to people who are still waiting to receive wine and this is making it very difficult for the clergy and altar servers to keep track of who is waiting for what. As you come forward, please just make sure that the person carrying the chalice has passed by before you fill in an empty space.

New Presiding Bishop-Elect Sean Rowe

At the General Convention of the Episcopal Church, meeting in Louisville, KY this week the Rt. Rev. Sean Rowe was elected to be the next Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church. You will notice his name added to the prayers of the people. Bishop Rowe will officially take office on November 2nd. For more information you may read this article from The Living Church: Sean Rowe Elected Presiding Bishop

The Shop

The shop is now closed for the summer. We will reopen in the Fall.



Week of July 7, 2024


Week of June 23, 2024