Week of July 28, 2024
The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
July 26, 2024
Sunday Schedule:
9:30am Mass with Hymns (Live-streamed)
Announcements This Week:
Front Step Repair/Tuesday Club
The front steps of the church are still undergoing repair and refurbishment. To access the church through the front doors it may be necessary to use the ramp. Please either enter the church through the parish hall (the back way ) or use the ramp to access the front doors.
St. John’s ICare Foundation Buy a Backpack Program
We are once again participating in the St. John’s ICare Foundation’s Back-to-School Wellness Event to provide school supplies for children in need. Please donate a minimum of $15 to purchase one backpack or you can be as generous as your budget permits. Our goal is to be a Sponsor by collecting $1,000. The name of our church will be displayed on a sign at the distribution event in August and will also appear on sponsor banners, event-related print, and digital marketing material.
Please place your donation of cash or a check made out to: The Church of the Ascension in an envelope clearly marked “Backpacks”. You can place it in the collection plate on Sundays, mail it to the church, or hand it directly to Judi Broadhurst. All donations need to be made by Sunday, August 4th.
The Shop
The shop is now closed for the summer. We will reopen in the Fall.