Week of Oct. 22, 2023


The Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost

October 22, 2023

Sunday Schedule:

8:00am Low Mass

10:15am Sunday School

10:30am High Mass

Announcements This Week:

Tuesday Club

The next meeting of the Tuesday Club will take place this Tuesday, October 24 th at 11:00 am. We will continue studying “The Path” which is an abbreviated version of the Bible. Copies are available for $20.

Acolyte Training for New Acolytes!!!!

We are going to begin training our newest acolytes in 3rd grade or higher starting October 22nd following the 10:30am service. The training will continue on Sundays October 29th, November 5th, 12th and 19th. If you have any questions, please speak with Lisa Chiara.

Childrens’ Prayer Breakfast

The next Childrens’ Prayer Breakfast will take place on October 29 th at 9:30 am.

Coffee Hour Volunteers Needed

Hello everyone! Thank you to all who have helped make coffee hour a success so far this year! Please consider hosting or contributing a homemade baked good for all to share. A signup sheet is located in the parish hall kitchen. Feel free to contact me with any questions: 516-359-8085 or emilyrose.coyne@gmail.com. Thank you!


Week of Oct. 29, 2023


Week of Oct. 15, 2023