Week of Oct. 15, 2023


The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

October 15, 2023

Sunday Schedule:

8:00am Low Mass

10:15am Sunday School

10:30am High Mass

Announcements This Week:

No Parking This Week

There must be NO PARKING in the parish parking lot all week long unless you are here on fair business. Even then parking will be extremely limited. In addition, this is a reminder that we will be enforcing the parish parking policy. In order to use our lot, you must be an active parishioner that has been regular in worship and with a recorded pledge for the past 12 months. Old Ascension parking permits will not be honored.

Tuesday Club

The next meeting of the Tuesday Club will take place this Tuesday, October 17th when we will continue  studying “The Path” which is an abbreviated version of the Bible. Copies are available for $20. Friendship Fair 2023

Friendship Fair: Friday, October 13th & Saturday, October 14th

 Register Early and Skip The Line!

Please visit https://ff2023.givesmart.com to securely register for the event. Once registered, you can purchase raffle and Parishioner Supper tickets as well as skip the line when you arrive at the Fair.  This is also how you will bid on items for the silent auction. Also, if you add a credit card to your registration you'll be able to shop seamlessly throughout the event. Jackie Gleason will be on hand after mass on Sundays to help those that would like to register early.

   Friendship Fair Thank You!

There are so many people that need to be thanked for the success of this year’s Friendship Fair that we could fill these pages with names! Instead of doing that, we will just say THANK YOU to those who planned, donated, cleaned, organized, computerized, sold, cooked, set-up, tore-down, publicized, called, mailed, drove, lost sleep, sweated, photographed, hot glued, painted, purchased, and most importantly SHOWED UP.   Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Mark Your Calendars

  Tuesday night, October 17th at 7 pm, we will meet one last time to revel in a job well done and continue to park away Friendship Fair 2023!


Week of Oct. 22, 2023


Week of Oct. 8, 2023