Week of Nov. 19, 2023
The Twenty-fifth Sunday after Pentecost
November 19, 2023
Sunday Schedule:
8:00am Low Mass
10:15am Sunday School
10:30am High Mass
12:00pm Identity Theft and Online Scam Seminar
Stewardship Season
Announcements This Week:
Stewardship Season
Last week we sent out the stewardship letter above to the parish asking everyone to prayerfully reflect on what God is calling you to give to the life and ministry of the Church of the Ascension in the coming year. Sacrificial giving is an act of worship that has been tied to prayer from the beginning. We give not just because the church needs money to operate, but more importantly we give as an act of faith and thanksgiving to the God who has given us so much. Please consider what God is calling you to give in the coming year. The cards should be returned on Sunday, November 26 , where they will be blessed during the mass. You may also make your pledge online through the link above.
Tuesday Club
The next meeting of the Tuesday Club will take place this Tuesday, November 21 at 11:00 am. We will continue studying “The Path” which is an abbreviated version of the Bible. Copies are available for $20.
Book Discussion
Today we will begin discussing the book Orthodoxy by G. K. Chesterton. Meetings will be at 9am
on Sunday mornings.
Identity theft, scams, and hoaxes
Join us after the 10:30am mass this Sunday, November 19 for a brief seminar on protecting yourself from identity theft, scams and hoaxes. Lunch will be served.
Gingerbread House Sign Up
We will be kicking off the holiday season with our gingerbread house decorating on Saturday, November 25 th from 11am-1pm. The cost will be $35 and you will receive a gingerbread house and lunch. The houses do come with candy, but save some Halloween candy so you can get crafty with your design!! This event is open to all parishioners of all ages. Sign up will begin today through Sunday, November 19 th . Payments must be received by Sunday, November 19 th either by cash or Venmo. Please speak with Lisa Chiara if you are interested.