Week of Dec. 24, 2023


The Fourth Sunday of Advent


Christmas Eve

December 24, 2023

Sunday Schedule:

9:30am Low Mass for Advent IV (No Livestream)

5:00pm Family Mass of Christmas Eve

10:30pm Midnight Mass of Christmas Eve

-followed by reception


Announcements This Week:

Shop Closed After Christmas

Please note that the Shop will be open on December the 23rd for your last-minute shopping, but will be closed afterwards until Jan. 3rd.

Hymn Sing

On December 31st, we will be having one mass at 9:30am. Instead of the usual sermon, we will be having a hymn sing where you may request us to sing a couple verses of your favorite Christmas hymn.

January Book Discussion

On January 14 at 9am we will begin discussing The Book of Common Prayer: A Biography by Alan Jacobs. This book is an excellent overview of the book that is not only a foundational part of our worship life as Anglicans, but also one of the most important books in the English language.

Toy Drive for St. John’s ICARE Foundation

Eight large bags of toys were delivered to St. John’s ICARE Foundation and were distributed to the children on December 14th. Thank you to everyone who participated.

No Sunday School/Childcare

There will be no Sunday School or Childcare on Sunday, December 24th or Sunday, December 31st. Sunday School and Childcare will resume on Sunday, January 7th.

Christmas Eve Reception

We will be having a light reception after the 10:30pm service on Christmas Eve. If you would like to bring an item there is a signup sheet in the parish hall. We do ask that if you can please drop off the item by 1pm on Christmas Eve so we can set everything up.


Week of Dec. 31, 2023


Week of Dec. 17, 2023