Week of Dec. 31, 2023
The First Sunday after Christmas
December 31, 2023
Sunday Schedule:
9:30am Mass with Hymns
No Sunday School today!
Announcements This Week:
No Sunday School/Childcare
There will be no Sunday School or Childcare on Sunday, December 24th or Sunday, December 31st. Sunday School and Childcare will resume on Sunday, January 7th.
Tuesday Club
The meetings will resume this Tuesday, January 2 nd , 2024.
The Shop Christmas Sale!
The shop will be reopening on January 3 rd with 50% off Christmas items sale.
January Book Discussion
On January 14 at 9am we will begin discussing The Book of Common Prayer: A Biography by Alan Jacobs. This book is an excellent overview of the book that is not only a foundational part of our worship life as Anglicans, but also one of the most important books in the English language.
Thank You for Your Commitment
Thank you to everyone that completed your estimate of giving cards for the coming year! If you have not had the chance to return your estimate of giving card, extras are located in the back of the church. Please fill one out and deposit it in the offering plate or leave it in Father Kevin’s mailbox as soon as possible.
Giving Statements
Year-to-date giving statements have been sent out via email. These are not bills, but simply an update on the gifts we have recorded so far for the year. Please remember that all gifts must be received by Dec. 31st in order to count toward your 2023 giving. Please speak with Fr. Kevin or Corinne Musa if you have any questions about your statement.